Kulturskillnad #1

Hade tråkigt när jag plötsligt kom på en grej, att blogga lite om kulturskillnader!
Och så råkade jag bara vips sådär komma på den (förmodligen) största av dom alla!
I'll write in English also so everyone can read haha. So this is the big culture shock I've been thinking about recently, how girls take pictures of themselves.
A brief description:
Swedish girls (to the left):
- The duck face
- Trying to "smize" (Sorry I didn't succeed in this so well, I'm asian after all)
- Putting your hands somewhere around your armpits to... Look taller? Or skinnier? I don't know actually
- Wearing a deep cleevage (Sorry I didn't put on something more slutty for demonstration) 笑
Japanese girls( to the right):
- The peace sign
- Trying to open your eyes as much as possible (Sometimes the purikura machine does this for you! Since about 90% of all photos they take of themselves are from purikura)
- Smile in a supercute way, or put your hands in a cat or dog-like way to put on that extra cuteness
- Be supershy and just never take photos of yourself, a profile picture of an american teenage celebrity is also ok.
Haha ta det med en nypa salt, ni vet hur min humor är

Postat av: Emelie

Hahaha! :D

2012-11-08 @ 14:19:48
URL: http://lifeabouttwofriends.blogg.se
Postat av: Storasyster

Har inte hunnit läsa hela inlägget än, men måste bara reagera på den MYCKET illustrativa bilden:


2012-11-08 @ 18:45:42
Postat av: Mamma

Du ÄR rolig ;)

2012-11-08 @ 20:24:49

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